Friday, August 3, 2012


Out there
you'll see it all.
The floating ends
will meet and mend,
and you will be yourself;
your fully formed,
though always changing,
self of selves.
Every clumsy backward look
will pay for itself.

Image "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" courtesy of Flickr artist Gisela Giardino

Every tear you've cried,
or wanted to cry,
will set your broken bones.
The rips in your heart
will no longer need to be guarded
by steel girders,
banyan tees,
or even rice paper.
Not so much as a
dragonfly's wing
will you need
to cover the bludgeoned place,
to protect the private you
you love so much
and hope to save intact
from what has seemed years
of relentless pummeling.
Go and live and love
in peace, my friend,
for surely there is love
to enfold you,
and life to be feasted upon:
your portion is boundless.

Image "Happy Socks" courtesy Flickr artist KeWynn Lee

Love will be the more
you've wanted.
You will know it
when you see it.
You will love yourself
as no lover
has ever had the courage
to love;
and the warmth you've wanted
will line your pillowcases,
dance upon your windowsill,
and hide
at the ends of your socks
awaiting your toes.

-- Deborah Mears

Jesus said, "I have come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly."  (John 10:10)  But what about when it hasn't worked out quite that way?  One of the fortunate side effects of the death of my bride is that I have discovered that I am powerless over my addictions and that my life had become unmanageable.  It is the latest step in my on-going process of dying to self and living to Christ.  It has helped me to see how I contributed to my bride's unhappiness and that fixing her was not and could not be the answer to my happiness.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)  We know and trust this to be true, even when God reveals things to us that are unexpected and calls us in directions we had not anticipated.

Remain faithful,