by Uriah Smith
When we present God's holy Law
And arguments from Scripture draw,
Objectors say, to pick a flaw:
"It's Jewish!"
Though at first Jehovah blessed
And sanctified His day of rest,
The same belief is still expressed:
"It's Jewish!"
Though with Creation this rest began
And thence through all the Scriptures ran,
And Jesus said 'twas made for man—
"It's Jewish!"
Though not with Jewish rites which passed,
But with the moral Law 'twas classed,
Which must exist while time shall last—
"It's Jewish!"
If from the Bible we present
The Sabbath's meaning and intent,
This answers every argument:
"It's Jewish!"
Though the disciples Luke and Paul
Continued still this rest to call
The Sabbath day, this answers all:
"It's Jewish!"
The Gospel Teacher's plain expression
That sin is of the Law transgression
Seems not to make the least impression;
"It's Jewish!"
They love the day of man's invention,
But if Jehovah's rest we mention
This puts an end to all contention:
"It's Jewish!"
Oh ye who thus God's day abuse
Simply because 'twas kept by Jews,
The Saviour, too, you must refuse—
"He's Jewish!"
The Scriptures, then, we may expect
For the same reason you'll reject.
For if you stop to recollect,
"They're Jewish!"
Thus the apostles, too, must fall,
For Andrew, Peter, James, and Paul,
Thomas, Matthew, John, and all,
Were Jewish.
So to your hapless state resign
Yourself in wretchedness to pine;
Salvation surely you'll decline—
"It's Jewish!"
This poem reminds me of a wonderful moment from The Hiding Place, the story of Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie's pastor is visiting to warn the family about their pro-Jewish sentiments. He begins to say, "It was the Jews who..." The anticipated end of his sentence was, "...killed Christ," but Father Caspar Ten Boom interrupts him saying, "...gave us the Bible - and gave us our Savior."
Poor cheap self proudly points at the nails and the hammer in the hands of another, but when God's grace gets hold of his life and he sees himself through God's eyes, he discovers that, not only is he holding the hammer and nails in his own hands, but that his hands are wet with the precious blood of the dear Son of God, as well.
It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross. -- Desire of Ages p.83
Remain faithful,
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